Tuesday, 13 March 2012

All About Brain Cancer ? Blog Archive ? The MSG Debate

MSGIs all the fuss about MSG really worth the trouble? A select few do make it a point to be aware of it?s use in their food but in a world where everybody seems to be a health nut the debate has lingered on and on. There have been several studies by most of the world?s leading research facilities regarding the safety of the said food additive and they all come up with the same answer, it is safe to use as long as it is in moderation.
Should the health risks associated with the food additive we know as MSG be just the same as with sugar or salt? Then why do so many feel the urge to make a fuss about it?s use and safety
even if the US FDA approves it as a valid and safe food additive? Competition may be one and maybe a tinge of envy for the taste the foods attains compared to more healthy options. For the rest of the world who find the option of organics to be unattainable, who cares. As long as it tastes good then why bother with what?s making it all so good to eat.

Source: http://allaboutbraincancer.com/information/the-msg-debate/

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